Our Focus Preserving and Educating the Public About Gold Rush History Near Cripple Creek & Victor, Colorado. The STCFG works with Newmont Cripple Creek & Victor mining and other private land owners to develop positive solutions to historic preservation, recreation, education and post-mining land use.Visit Newmont.com for more information about Newmont CC&V .
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The giant headframes that remain as ghosts of 1890's gold mining days light up the night sky around Victor and Cripple Creek each holiday season. These unique mining artifacts, also called gallows frames by local miners, are one-of-a-kind remnants of the gold rush era. Holiday ornaments, some as large as 20 feet tall, are lit against the starry night skies of the Victor and Cripple Creek. The lights are best viewed from public roads around the district after dark and will be in place Friday-Sunday nights Thanksgiving weekend through New Year’s Day, weather/safety and volunteers permitting. This holiday lighting tradition has been ongoing since 1998 and is sponsored by Newmont CC&V, on whose property most of the headframes are located. Volunteers staff the generators and line power connections each weekend. The Southern Teller County Focus Group invites you to visit the historic City of Mines for a day, evening drive or weekend stay during holiday season to experience part of our good old-fashioned holiday spirit.
Many thanks to all who make the holiday headframe lighting a success. Shawn Tomlinson, Robb Gray, Jody Keel, as well as the process millwrights and electricians from Newmont CC&V all make the ornaments shine bright. We also have a volunteer crew starting generators - Gary Horton, Kim Lottig, some of the same Newmont CC&V crew, Jon Zalewski, Cripple Creek Parks & Rec and Cripple Fire Department, and setting generators Gary Horton and Adam Hayes.
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