Our Focus Preserving and Educating the Public About Gold Rush History Near Cripple Creek & Victor, Colorado. The STCFG works with Newmont Cripple Creek & Victor mining and other private land owners to develop positive solutions to historic preservation, recreation, education and post-mining land use.Visit Newmont.com for more information about Newmont CC&V .
Donations and volunteers are welcome and help further the group's projects. Donate Now For information about the Southern Teller County Focus Group:MailPOB 328, Victor, CO 80860Email info@stcfg.com
Thank You to the ExtremeTerrain’s Clean Trail Grant Program For Your Support.
The STCFG has been partnering with organizations and land owners for over 25 years to promote Southern Teller County. The non-profit established the Trails of Gold hiking and biking trails which are open year-round. Preserving historic structures has been an integral part of the STCFG's efforts. From working with the local mining company to assisting owners of buildings in Victor with grants, the group is dedicated to showcasing and preserving through grants, education, and relocation, the structures that made Southern Teller County the World's Greatest Gold Camp. Through events such as the Victor Gem & Mineral Show and Holiday Headframe Lighting, the STCFG works to expose the world to the special heritage we have here in Southern Teller County. Whether you're hiker, mountain biker, history buff, rock hound, or are just looking for a unique experience in Colorado history, we invite you to visit and explore.
Rita the Rock Planter, Thomas Dambo's new troll sculpture, is located on our Little Grouse Mountain Trail. Funded by gcDIG, the troll, as well as all Trails of Gold locations, is open to visits from dawn to dusk. Please be sure to respect the fragile meadow land, stay on the trail, do not pick wildflowers, stay off historic structures, and pack out all trash and dog waste. Please note that our trails are at nearly 10,000 feet elevation - if you are not healthy enough to walk at this elevation please do not attempt the hike. Also a rattle snake has been seen in the area of the troll so please wear appropriate clothing/shoes, give snakes plenty of room, and be aware at all times. THERE IS NO WINTER MAINTENANCE ON THE ACCESS ROAD OR THE TRAILS - PLEASE RECREATE SAFELY AND RESPONSIBLY. Map of the District showing location of the Troll Map of the Trails to the Troll PLEASE NOTE THAT THE COLORFUL BIRD HOUSES MARK THE HIKING TRAILS THAT LEAD TO THE TROLL - the road access is a different route. Driving directions from Victor - one mile west on HWY 67 to the left hand turn into the parking lot. Two trails lead from there or you can drive up the road and park in the upper lot. It is a .25 mile hike from the upper lot to the troll.