Our Focus Preserving and Educating the Public About Gold Rush History Near Cripple Creek & Victor, Colorado. The STCFG works with Newmont Cripple Creek & Victor mining and other private land owners to develop positive solutions to historic preservation, recreation, education and post-mining land use.Visit Newmont.com for more information about Newmont CC&V .
Victor Veterans Memorial Wall - the STCFG acted as a pass through fundraising entity for this project which has over 700 WWII veteran names. We also donated to the project.
Victor Gem and Mineral Show – started in 2012, this event hosts about 30 vendors during the third weekend in June. We developed this event in Victor as a means to bring the public into downtown and create economic benefits for the businesses.
Rita the Rock Planter, Thomas Dambo's new troll sculpture, is located on our Little Grouse Mountain Trail. Funded by gcDIG, the troll is open to visits dawn to dusk. We contributed to this project and assisted with the troll's construction.
Victor Pack Burro Race - we took over for 4 years the annual race to an from downtown Victor on the Trails of Gold. The race is now sponsored by the Victor Elks.
Goldfield City Hall - 2019 preservation efforts - we funded and raised funds for a new deck, siding, window repairs, and new paint on the exterior.
Historic Preservation grants - STCFG sponsors for private property owners and other non-profits, State Historic Fund grants which help assess the needs of historic buildings and then STCFG seeks and sponsors grants to conduct preservation work on the buildings. Grants have included the Beebee House assessment at the Vindicator Mine, Miner’s Union Hall assessment and facade restoration grant (pre-disastrous fire), Monarch Building assessment, Masonic Lodge assessment and roof grant, Doyle Block assessment, roof and storefront grants; and we are have been involved in the effort to save St. Victor’s Catholic Church.
Hunter Mining History Library - we helped fund the space for this collection of books, documents, and artifacts donated by one of our founding members - Mining Engineer Ed Hunter. The library is located on the second floor of the Victor Lowell Thomas Museum and also houses collections from Lowell Thomas, Dr. A.C. Denman, and Brian Geddes.
Victor Lowell Thomas Museum Archive Room - We provided, through the Ed & Cherry Hunter Fund, funding for the archive room in the museum. This room houses collections from several families including photos, documents, objects, and artwork.
High Speed Internet - the group in the early 2000s co-sponsored with the City of Cripple Creek grants and funding for a local business to bring the first high speed internet service to Southern Teller County.
Historic preservation projects – the STCFG raised funds for and completed the restoration of the rock wall at the Gold Coin Mine, replaced roofs on the Anderson house at the Vindicator Mine, and the blacksmith shop at the American Eagles, advised and recommended relocation sites for several pieces of mining history such as the hoist from the Joe Dandy mine, and served in an advisory role to CC&V in its historic structure relocation plans.
Miner’s Union Hall fire fundraising – the STCFG raised over $13,000 in less than a month to help the owner with the engineering assessment of the structure and restoration of the façade after the July 2014 fire.
Marketing – in addition to promoting the trails with maps and brochures and STCFG events with posters and press releases, the group also participates in joint marketing efforts with other entities to promote Victor and southern Teller County as a heritage tourism destination; partners include the City of Cripple Creek, Victor Main Street, Gold Belt Byway, Victor Lowell Thomas Museum, State of Colorado, Colorado State Welcome Centers, and Colorado Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Community Liaison – the STCFG has in the past worked closely with the owner of the Cripple Creek Victor Mine to ensure that the community is informed about present and future mining activities, has the opportunity to be educated about the impacts of the mining operations, and discusses and suggests ways to mitigate mining impacts on the communities. We helped the public, by our being educated and able to answer questions intelligently, on the issues of water and air quality, blasting, cyanide use, reclamation, and mine operation.
Holiday Headframe Lighting – placing, fueling, maintaining generators, marketing, and organizing the lighting of several sites where ornaments and holiday signs are located. This self-guided holiday tour started in 1998. This event is funded from our budget of donations made by the public, as well as donations of power from the City of Victor and CC District Museum, the donation of the gas by CC&V and City of Cripple Creek, and the donation of lights and wiring from CC&V.
Annual Historic Mine Tour - for several years we have planned, promoted, and held a presentation at a historic mine or site located on CC&V or other private mine owned lands. This event is held to help raise funds to offset our costs of special historic preservation projects as well interpretive signs.
Stratton Outdoor Amphitheater at the Independence Mill Site – this site below the Independence Mine was developed for use by the STCFG with a donation from the City of Victor as an interpretive trail and a location that other organizations may use for events; to date the STCFG has held four star gazing events, presented Stratton and Tesla performances, Haunted Mill Site, and hosted two weddings at the site.